Trademark Registration
Trademark Registration (brand name, company name, logo, symbol or device) has its own advantages of gaining exclusive legal rights to your trademark and accords better protection of your mark. Therefore, it is the first step of establishing your own brand name.
There are 45 categories under which a trademark can be registered. In India, a ™ can be acquired within 3 days; however, it may take up to 2 years for it to be registered before the ® symbol can be used.
Documents Required Trademark Registration
(In Case Proprietor/Individual)
Address proof of the trademark owner (DL / Passport / Aadhaar Card / Voter card)
Firm/ Company Address
Copy of trademark to be registered (Logo / Brand Name)
Documents Required Trademark Registration
(In Case Company/Partnership)
Address proof of the TM owner (DL / Passport /Aadhaar Card / Voter card)
Certificate of incorporation and address proof in case of company TIMELINE:2 DAYS
​ Legal Protection
You become the legal owner of the registered trademark and no another person has the right to use your registered trademark without your prior permission. No action can be taken against a 2nd party if the trademark is not registered with the government. The registered trademark holder can take some legal action against anyone who tries to copy the trademark with any prior permission.
One of the best qualities of trademark registration is that it helps you to establish a unique identity of your company. And no other competitor can apply or use your trademark for similar goods or services.
Registered trademark can act as an asset as the owner of the trademark can easily sell, franchise or allow it on the contract basis to another party. It creates a kind of intellectual property for the same.
As registered trademark brings the uniqueness to your product, it can easily create a sense of trust, goodwill and quality in the minds of your customer.
Registered trademark is easily searchable as it is available in government trademark database. It also helps you to get popular among people which are a great sign for your company